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Beetroot Brilliance

Beetroots are a rich source of nutrients, fibre, and plant compounds. They provide various health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced blood pressure, and enhanced exercise capacity.

Beetroot Brilliance

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is a root vegetable known as red beet, table beet, garden beet, or just beet.

Beetroots are a great source of essential nutrients, including fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Consumption of beetroots. Beetroot juice has several health benefits, such as improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance.

Beetroots are known for their many benefits, attributed to their high content of inorganic nitrates. They can be eaten raw but are more commonly cooked or pickled. The leaves of the beetroot, also known as beet greens, are also edible. Beetroot comes in various types, with colour being the primary distinguishing factor. These colours include yellow, white, pink, and dark purple.


Raw or cooked beetroots contain about 8-10% carbohydrates, with simple sugars such as glucose and fructose comprising 70% and 80% of carbs in raw and cooked beetroots, respectively.

Beetroots are a source of fructans, which are short-chain carbohydrates that are categorised as FODMAPs. For some people who cannot digest FODMAPs, consuming beetroots may cause unpleasant digestive symptoms.

Beetroots have a medium glycemic index (G.I.) score of 61, which measures how fast blood sugar levels rise after a meal.

However, the total carb amount in each serving of beetroots is low, resulting in a very low glycemic load of 5. This means that beetroots should not significantly affect blood sugar levels.

The main carbohydrates in beetroots are simple sugars like glucose and fructose. Although high in fibre, beets contain FODMAPs that may cause digestive issues in some individuals.


Each 3/4-cup (100-gram) raw serving of beetroot provides 2-3 grams of dietary fibre, which is correlated to a reduced risk of various diseases.

Vitamins and Minerals

Beetroots contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals.

Folate (vitamin B9).

One of the B vitamins, folate is important for normal tissue growth and cell function. It's essential for pregnant women.


An important trace element, manganese is found in abundance in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.


A potassium-rich diet can reduce blood pressure levels and positively affect heart health.


An essential mineral, iron plays a vital role in your body by facilitating the transportation of oxygen through red blood cells. Without iron, red blood cells cannot transport oxygen around the body.

People who have low iron levels can sometimes develop a condition called iron deficiency anemia. Adding sources of iron to the diet can reduce the risk of this condition.

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include:

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Shortness of breath

  • Headaches

  • Rapid heartbeat

Vitamin C.

This widely recognised antioxidant vitamin is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and a robust immune system.

Beetroots also contain other beneficial compounds:

Phytochemicals give plants their colour and flavour. They also stimulate the immune system, minimise inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress.

Betalains are responsible for the deep red colour of beetroots. These pigments have promising antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitoxic properties.

Nitrates refer to a group of organic compounds that improve blood flow and promote heart health.

Beetroot Recipe Tips

Recipe Tips

Salad. Grated beets make a flavorful and colourful addition to coleslaw or other salads.

Dip. Beets blended with Greek yogurt and fresh garlic make a delicious, healthy, and colourful dip.

Juice. Fresh beetroot juice is typically better than store-bought versions, which can be high in added sugar and contain only a small amount of beets.

Soup: Borscht is a popular soup in Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia.

Leaves. You can cook and enjoy fresh beet leaves similarly to how you'd use spinach.

Roasted. Wedge beetroots and toss them with a dash of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs or spices of your choice. Then, roast them in a 205°C oven for 15–20 minutes until tender.


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